I’ve never been one to add sugar to my grapefruit. I love the tart, bitterness it has to offer! However, broiling grapefruit has introduced me to a new side of grapefruit; a sweet, warm, decadent side.
You heard me right. Broiled grapefruit! It may not sound all that exciting or even yummy for that matter, but believe me, it is such a tasty way to enjoy grapefruit!
It’s as simple as cutting the grapefruit in half, sprinkling it with some sweetness and broiling it until the sugar caramelizes and melts into the tangy grapefruit. I use both maple syrup and just a touch of coconut sugar to get the perfect sweetness to balance out the grapefruits natural tang. I also add a dash of cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg to add some other warm flavors.
You can stop there, or, if you’re like me and like to go all out , you can add a dollop of vegan cool whip and some homemade streusel. Either way, it’s so freaking yummy!
Give it a try and let me know what you think! Drop a comment below, rate the recipe and find me on Instagram and Facebook!
Enjoy everyone!

Broiled Grapefruit (V/GF)
Optional Streusel
- 1/4 cup gluten-free all purpose flour
- 2 tbsp gluten-free granola and/or crushed nuts of choice
- 1 tbsp vegan butter (I use Earth Balance)
- 1 tbsp coconut sugar
- pinch of salt
- 1 large grapefruit
- 1 1/2 tbsp pure maple syrup
- 1 tbsp coconut sugar
- 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
- Dash of cinnamon
- Dash of cardamom
- Dash of nutmeg
- Optional vegan cool whip for topping (I use the SO Delicious brand)
If you want the streusel, start by making that first. Simply throw the ingredients together in a food processor and process until it comes together in small clumps. With you finger, crumble the mixture and scatter on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Bake at 325 degrees F until golden brown and slightly firm, about 25 minutes, stirring halfway through. After baking, let the streusel cool and then break into smaller pieces. Set aside until ready for use.
For the grapefruit, start by cutting 1/4 inch off the bottom of each half. Then, cut the grapefruit in half and transfer to a parchment paper lined baking sheet, cut side up. Drizzle each grapefruit half with the maple syrup and vanilla. Then, sprinkle each half with the coconut sugar and the spices.
To make it easier to remove the grapefruit from the peel once it’s cooked, use a sharp knife to cut around the edges of the fruit (in between the fruit and the rind). Then gently cut inside the grapefruit, along the edges of the segments. Avoid cutting through the rind.
Broiler the grapefruit halves until the sugar gets bubbly and starts to caramelize, about 3-6 minutes.
Top with optional streusel and cool whip and serve warm. Enjoy!