Cacao Week! (Go-To Brand, Health Benefits and Culinary Benefits)

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Happy Monday everyone! I’m particularly happy because I am working with the finest Raw Cacao Powder to share all sorts of chocolaty + vegan+ gluten-free + delicious recipes with all of you this week! That’s right, it’s CACAO POWDER WEEK in my kitchen!!


Now, I know I’ve done Chocolate Week before (a couple of times), but Cacao Week will be extra special for many reasons. For starters, I will be emphasizing the importance of quality ingredients and sharing which brand of cacao powder I use!! Secondly, cacao powder is a super-food with many health benefits and I will be sharing my favorite ways to reap its benefits! Lastly, Cacao Week will be totally delicious and I’ll provide you with five exciting new cacao-based recipes!!

First things first, it’s important to know that using good quality ingredients is the most important thing in baking. You wouldn’t believe the difference between a product made with poor-quality, unnatural ingredients versus a product made with good-quality, natural ingredients. With that being said, my go-to cacao powder is Addictive Wellness’ Raw Cacao Powder! It’s sugar-free, gluten-free, vegan, antioxidant-rich, ethically sourced and, get this – 5% of all their net profits are donated to environmental organizations working to save the planet! I know when I’m buying something and one product doesn’t donate to a good cause and the other one doesn’t, I go with the one that does!


You know what else is great about Clean Beauty Mart’s Raw Cacao Powder? You can get 5% off of your order and free shipping for orders over $50 with a “BUNNY’S BITE” coupon code!!! Holaaaa’!

Raw Cacao Powder contains nearly 4 times as much antioxidants as your average dark chocolate. What are antioxidants good for?! What AREN’T they good for?! They counteract the damages of the free radical that our bodies naturally produce, which results in a stronger immune system and helps to prevent a variety of diseases. Antioxidants also promote healthy, radiant skin and hair as well as better eye health, memory and so much more! Cacao is also known to increase serotonin levels, which helps boost your mood and overall energy! Now, cacao and chocolate in general is always associated with desserts and ‘naughty’ foods, but cacao powder is actually low in sugar and calories. In fact, Clean Beauty Mart’s Raw Cacao Powder has more protein than sugar! It’s actually completely sugar-free!! 


It’s really what’s done with cacao that makes the difference. You can add it to smoothies, oatmeal and even savory dish! I love me a chocolate and chili combination!

This week I’ll be sharing FOUR healthy and delicious cacao-based recipes and ONE naughty cacao-based recipe because well, #TreatYoSelf!

Stay tuned ya’ll!

Plant-based cooking enthusiast sharing original vegan and gluten-free recipes every day featuring a new ingredient every week.
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